Sunday 5 October 2014

I got a new computer!

All started last Thursday. When I was picked up by my mother and my sister, they said that they had a surprise for me. When we reached home, it was that I would get a new computer. Yesterday, I finally got it.

Isn't it beautiful?

I also got a microphone, a 16-GB pendrive and a new screen. I still have to fix the computer's wifi problems (you have to buy an extra gadget to get wifi on a desktop computer) but in all other aspects it works great.

Finally I'll be able to do what I want on my own computer without limitations! Also, an interesting fact: my computer is custom made, they bought it in a computer store that it's near home, not in a mall for example. The owner (I think it's the owner) put every part together (the graphic cards, the USB parts, the tower itself...).

See you next water time! (most of you won't pick the reference, I know)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! (hey, I can't pick the reference... )
    : -)
